Kiddies Kingdom

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Products on Special Offer

We have some special offer products. You may be able to use voucher codes with special offer products.

  • Summer Infant Booster to Toddler Highchair Booster Seat-Safari

    Summer Infant Booster to Toddler Highchair Booster Seat-Safari
    The Summer Infant Booster seat is a very popular highchair seat. This product is now available at Kiddies Kingdom. The Summer Infant Highchair Booster seat is Currently on Special Offer. Get you hands on this quick!The Summer Infant Booster to Toddler Seat is the most flexible booster seat available, designed to grow with baby into a toddler chair. Features: 2-Level height adjustment 3-position full size tray Dishwasher safe tray Folds for travel and storage For use when baby is approximately 6 Months plus The following recommendations are a guide only and you should monitor your childs development to ensure the suitability of this product. Please refer to the dimensions listed.

    Price: £27.99

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Kiddies Kingdom

Kiddies Kingdom is one of the largest independent nursery retailers in the UK. They stock everything you need to cater for babies and young children. They believe in selling quality products from all leading brands at prices everyone can afford.

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