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  • Land Away Triple Flying Lesson Special Offer

    Land Away Triple Flying Lesson Special Offer
    Discover the excitement of flight with this triple flying experience. This truly unforgettable flying lesson is a great way to enjoy the complete aerial experience. You?ll receive expert guidance and tuition from an experienced pilot during your 90 minute lesson, which is split into three exciting 30 minute sections one as pilot, one as navigator and one as observer. What?s more, you?ll even be able to experience two landings at two different airfields! Upon arrival your friendly and experienced instructor will give you a full safety briefing, along with a discussion on effects of controls and theory of flight. Your 90 minute flight will consist of three legs of 30 minutes each in a PA28...

    RrpPrice: £148
    Price: £147.99

  • London Showboat Dining Cruise for Two Special Offer

    London Showboat Dining Cruise for Two Special Offer
    Dance, dine and see the sights of London with this Showboat cruise on the Thames - 46% off! This wonderful evening cruise on the Thames is a great way to experience glamour in the capital. Boarding commences at 19:15 and the cruises depart 19:30, returning to Westminster Pier at 23:00. During your cruise you will enjoy: - A welcome glass of fizz each as you board - Half a bottle of wine per person- Four-course dinner with coffee each; sample menu as follows: · Oak smoked Scottish salmon & King prawns with caper, lemon & dill dressing or grilled aubergine and roast vegetable timbale · Chef's roast butternut squash, cumin and coriander soup · Thyme, rosemary & lemon roasted supreme of...

    RrpPrice: £109
    Price: £108.99

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